Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"My Gym"

We started Rylee in a new gymnastics class and it is so great. The previous place was not what I was hoping for, and My Gym has been a good change for us. She can go to unlimited classes every month, so we average four a week. There is structure to each class, song time, a puppet show, and then free play. These pictures of her were taken the other night at there Free Play Night. She loves going and even asks me each morning if we get to go to "Rye-Rye's Gym!" Another great feature is with our membership for Rylee, Nolan gets free classes up to six months, so he had his first class today.


Erica said...

Okay, that sounds awesome! Too bad the closest one is 25.7 miles from us...that's what we get for living in the boonies. But I'm glad it's so fun for Rye!!

Tarah said...

So glad they're having fun! Wish we could go with y'all:) miss you!

The Beesons said...

That sounds great! We are going to have to pick your brain for all those fun tips here in a few months! Everyone is so cute in your little family and it is good to see that Nolan is feeling better!