Saturday, March 14, 2009

Grandpa Rick

We were very lucky to have Grandpa Rick come into town this weekend. This afternoon he came with us to a birthday party and he and Rylee were great buddies. All of the kids at the party received a treat bag, and Rylee and Grandpa had a great time eating the treats together. She started with a cupcake, then had some Cheetos (she is her father's daughter), then out came the sucker, and it ended with some Laffy Taffy! I think her messy face shows how much fun they had together this afternoon.

This evening Nolan was a little fussy with an upset stomach, but Grandpa got him settled down by sitting him up and watching a soccer game together. Then within five minutes of sitting on Grandpa's lap Nolan was sound asleep.

We are sure excited for more fun times tomorrow!