Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Forgot to Post This . . . The Dentist

About a month ago I called a friend, who is a dentist, and asked if I could bring Rylee in for a check up. I told him she had been complaining about a tooth hurting and I just wanted to get it looked at. He was so great and had me bring her up to the office right then. She was amazing!! She sat there and let him poke around and never even cried! He saw a cavity on the tooth she said was hurting, so we set up an appointment to go back. Last Monday we went back to get the tooth fixed, and this is a picture from that day; however, we got worse news that day. After Dr. Drury took a closer look at the tooth and her other 12 month molars he noticed her molars formed with no enamel, so there is nothing to protect the teeth. The tooth he was going to fix has to have a silver crown put on it!! The other three did not form all the way, so he will shave them so they are shaped properly and then put a sealant on them. She has to have anesthetic and then he will to all the work. He is also going to X-Ray the entire mouth to make sure there are no other problems and see if her 24 month molars are there, because they have not come in yet. I figure this is supposed to be a humbling experience for me, because I am extremely vain about teeth, and to have my little girl have a silver cap - ugh it is horrible! Luckily it is in the back and we caught it early enough that it is only one of the molars, but still! She will have the appointment on May 6th, so wish us luck!