Sunday, December 16, 2007

Visit From the Motts

Our friends the Mott's were in town from Texas this week and stopped by after Church today. They have four of the sweetest, most polite boys ever. Just before they moved they had their fourth boy Sam and he is 15 days older than Rylee. Rylee and Sam are a true testament of kids taking after their parents. Sam's parents are 6'7" and 6', while Rylee's parents are all of 5'9" and 5'3", check out the size difference in these two already. While in the end Sam might be a little to tall for Rylee, we had a great time getting them to give each other loves and kisses today! - k


Laura Campbell said...

ha ha that is hilarious!! hey there's nothing wrong with short girls! :-)

Trace Gibson said...

Oh MY! Scandalous! Rylee! Hee hee! I just popped in (where have I been?) and I'm LOVING your new blog background. Mine will probably always be lame and standard and I'll never do cool photo thingy's (what are those called?) or little short movies. I'll just continue to be impressed with your blog and too clueless (and lazy) to upgrade my own!