Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Look What Happens...

So I downloaded Rylee's 18 month Ages and Stages Questionairre, and one of the questions asked if she could eat with a spoon and I thought 'lets try.' After Rylee's nap today I made her some lunch and she went to town. It is the first time she has eaten in 4 days, seriously! She had so much fun being a big girl with a spoon and bowl. I have to give up on trying to have "clean" meals and realize I have a toddler and there is no such thing as a clean meal! - k


gmakatz said...

I'm thinking that an alfredo lunch with pears might be a good idea. Lol. Can't wait to be with her! Thanks so much for the pics and updates. We love 'em here!

Trace Gibson said...

Oh yeah, I remember looking for bibs that were as big as blankets when Kennedy was that age...they should make them with little eye and mouth holes, and cover everything else! ha ha She's so cutie-petutie all covered with food though!