Monday, March 22, 2010

Las Vegas

This past weekend Nolan and I went to Las Vegas for another soccer tournament, and Nolan was such a good boy. We did not do much besides go from the hotel to the fields and back to the hotel, but that did not seem to bother him he was just happy to be with everyone. Of course he was spoiled rotten by all the mom's and my players, but how can someone resist this little boy begging you to pick him up or to give him a treat?
The first day we were there he wore one of his new Sumemr shirts, and yes it is pink and yes I love it! He looked so great in it, and not once did anyone mistake him for a little girl. When we went to our first game he was a very clean little boy, but as you can see he very much loved the dirt and playing in it. The only problem was he also loved to eat the dirt, so we had to keep a very close eye on him. After the game we had to take him for a bath because he was filthy, but he had had a good time.

Cute picture, but I cut his little head off

Running Down the Hallway

Playing in the dirt

Washing the dirt off