Friday, March 12, 2010


Rylee and her best friend Maddi did a little girls day at the hair salon today. They met up and had their hair washed, cut, styled, and they got their nails done. The girls had a great time playing and getting their hair done the same way. Rylee really likes getting her hair cut, however today was the first day that she got her hair washed at the salon and she did not enjoy it. But, once it was done she told me it was not so bad!
After Rylee got her hair cut I checked to see if they could squeeze Nolan in and they could. His hair was getting a little shaggy again, so I figured since I was already there we would get him all cleaned up. It is a nice clean cut and it makes him look even older and shows how thin his little face is getting.

Choosing her nail polish

Getting her nails painted

Just finished getting her hair washed

Ready to get her hair cut

Nolan getting his hair cut

Trying to hold still