Tuesday, March 23, 2010

15 Months Old

When did this cute little baby become a toddler, it seems like it happened over night to me. One day he was a cute snuggly baby, and now he is a cute climbing, walking toddler. Nolan is 15 months old today and he brings us so much joy everyday. He is the sweetest boy and nothing makes us smile and laugh like Nolan's cute giggle. He wants to do everything his sister can do and a lot of the time with a little assistance he can do it, and then by the next day he will be doing it by himself. Recently he has started to identify his nose, tongue, and sometimes his eye. He waves bye-bye, blows great kisses, points to things he wants, signs "more,"and is starting to formulate a few words. My favorite thing he does is when we drive past Matt's office he points out the window and says, "Dada!" We are so lucky to have Nolan as a part of our family.
Tonight at My-Gym he had a great time playing basketball and climbing the ladder, yup up the ladder and down the slide head first!
climbing the ladder