Monday, June 15, 2009

A Glimpse at 5 Kids

Playing on the Teeter-Totter

Pulling Silly Faces

Cute kids (waiting for our table at lunch)

Playing Mario Kart

3D Glasses from the movies

This weekend we watched our friends' kids while they took their oldest daughter to an out of state soccer tournament. The kids ages are 13, 8 and 5. We had a lot of fun this weekend getting a "glimpse" of what life would be like with 5. The kids were so great, and we definitely learned a lot. I decided if I had this many kids I would have a double oven and a double dishwasher, 5 kids is a lot more mess than 2 kids, there were a lot more shoes in our shoe corner, cooking meals had to be more planned, it is much more expensive, and we are happy with our current situation with two children.
We picked the kids up on Friday and let them go to the store and pick out a treat of their choice, and then we came home and everyone played the Wii. Saturday I got to take the 8 year old to his last soccer game, and it was nice to be able to leave the other kids at home with their "older sister." After the soccer game we came home and picked everyone else up and went out to lunch. Then that evening Matt thought it would be fun to go to a movie, and it really was. We went and saw "Up" in 3D. This was Rylee's first movie and she did better than we thought she would. She couldn't wear the 3D glasses because they were to big for her, but she didn't seem to mind. Sunday was Church, playing at the park, dinner and more Wii. Today was the end of our glimpse and I am proud to say everyone was still healthy and happy.


gmakatz said...


Laura Campbell said...

Still waiting for Trevor to sit through his first movie...we're going to try again soon. :-) Way to go Rylee!