Thursday, June 04, 2009

A Clean Toy

Her Concentration Face!

Having a Great Time!

Splashing in the Water

Last Summer I forgot to put Rylee's water toy away before Winter came, so it was in need of a bath come this Summer. Last week we washed all the pieces and then today Rylee and I washed the table together. As soon as it was clean Rylee went upstairs and put on her swimming suit to go play. It was a little overcast but I thought whatever and let her go. She had a great time playing until our neighbors dog wandered over. I was in the house snuggling Nolan to sleep and watching her, but I didn't notice the dog mozy over and neither did she. All of the sudden I looked over saw the dog at the same time she did and she LOST it! She started screaming, tensed every muscle up in her body, clung to the railing on the stairs, screamed for me, and tried to climb the stairs but she was too scared. I grabbed her and brought her inside where she settled down and started yelling out the door, "Puppy go home to your Mommy and Daddy," it was so cute! The only problem was she would not go back outside the rest of the morning, she was too scared - poor thing is scared to death of dogs any size!


gmakatz said...

Such precious pics. The middle one melts me. Doggone Doggie, interrupting her fun.

Erica said...

LOL Go home dog!