Tuesday, June 02, 2009


That's right our house is contaminated! With what you ask, the FLU!!! Not the Swine Flu, just the good ole' fashion pukes. It started on Sunday with Nolan, and we didn't think anything of it because he always pukes. This morning Daddy woke up not feeling very well, then I started not feeling well when i tried to have some lunch, and then it hit poor Rye-Rye. She has got it the worst and we are hoping that she can sleep all night and get over this little tummy bug. But, if you are wondering where we are, I am lysoling the whole house, Nolan is in the exersaucer, and Rylee is mostly sleeping or puking.


Laura Campbell said...

Ah man hope you guys all feel better!!

gmakatz said...

Snuggling, movies, naps, and 7-up sound like the order of the day. Love y'all and hope you're all up and running soon.

--Heather-- said...

sorry you are all sicky... miss you