Monday, February 25, 2008

The Wrapper Doesn't Stop Her

Today Rylee and I went to Kinko's to get a few things made. She was being really good and just walking around the store. I was watching her and listening to her squeaky shoes. Every now and then she would bring me something off the shelf and then I would go stick it back. She ventured off once to the other side of the counter, just out of my sight. I peeked around the corner a few times to check on her and she was just playing with a sign and talking to a man in the store. The Kinko's lady started asking me a few questions and explaining things, all of which took about a minute, and when I looked back at Rye she had found a Snickers bar and chewed through the wrapper. I quickly went over and removed it from her mouth and then bought the two of us a Snickers bar. It made Grandpa Rick proud that she chose a Snickers, because there was an entire candy display in the store to choose from and she picked his favorite. She is a smart girl! -k


Erica said...

Good choice, sister!!

*kt* said...

That's pretty funny! Nice pick, Rye!

Kari said...

You know, Granna loves Snickers, too. Wait till Rylee finds out how good they are frozen. Granna tried to hide them in the freezer one time when she was trying to lose weight...only to find out they were better frozen.