Friday, February 08, 2008

The Hit of the Night

Uncle Jeff was in town for work this week and stopped by last night to hang out and play. After he took Rylee and I out to a yummy dinner we came back to the house to let Rylee and Uncle Jeff play with each other. I was chopped liver, she just wanted to hang out with her Uncle. She wanted to read a book, so she walked over to where they are kept, grabbed a few and walked them right over to Uncle Jeff. Jeff was so nice and patient reading to Rye. She would listen for 20 seconds then walk off and come back for another page. She was so excited to see Uncle Jeff and she cannot wait to play with him again. Thank you for coming by and playing with Rye Jeff! - k


Erica said...

Oh you are so lucky!!! And we are trying not to be so jealous!!!

Trace Gibson said...

Seriously, how nice is it that you can have great uncles and granparents and aunts to hang out with little Rye-Rye?! Good stuff. P.S. are all of Rylee's uncles cuties? I need to get my gorgeous soon-to-be-returned-missionary sister hooked up with a Reinbold! Then we'll always get to stay in touch!

Cheree said...

I promise I’m not a crazy. (But all crazies say that – huh?)
I was “blog hopping” and came across your blog and noticed this picture. Is that Jeff Reinbold (sp?) there in that picture? I went to high school with him! (At South Grand Prairie High). It’s gotta be Jeff Rienbold – so many of us girls (myself included – I think I’m allowed to say that now) had crushes on him. He was so nice and had that beautiful curly hair!
Please pass my info onto him if you would. It’d be fun to catch up. And – what a small world!!!!
My email is tcbishopATverizonDOTnet and my blog (which is really my daughter’s blog) is
Oh – and my maiden name is Cheree Vaughn.