Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Daddy's Girl

Rylee is so cute lately. Since we have been home from our vacation she has become very aware that Daddy is not around all day, so all I hear all day is "Dada?" It is really cute. Last night on my drive home from soccer practice I listened to a broken record of "DaaaDaaaa" the whole way home. When Daddy gets home from work now she attacks him, literally. Then this morning Daddy was leaving for work and we thought Rye was still asleep, so he just went straight downstairs. Next thing I knew the broken record had started all over again. I went to get her so she could go see Dada before he left, but I couldn't take her out of the crib without Daddy seeing first. I called him back upstairs to see his little girl sitting up with both arms through the rails calling out to him. She had seen him walk by and wanted him to come get her. By the time Dada had made it back upstairs she was standing in the crib, two arms reaching for him to come get her. It was too sweet. We are going to go trick-or-treat with him today at his office, we are very excited. - k


Trace Gibson said...
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Trace Gibson said...

Ahhh...makes my heart hurt a little to think of how Kennedy probably WOULD be a Daddy's girl if she saw him enough (hee-haw wo is me, hee hee). That is so, so sweet (and kind of nice for us moms because when we don't want to do something and Dad's around you just ask, "do you want Mom to do it or Dad to do it?" Works every time!)

Trace Gibson said...

Sorry, I pushed "publish" twice on my comment and then deleted it looks like I had to delete some bad words or something! Ha ha