Saturday, October 06, 2007

Lots of Family

Wow what a fun two days we have had. Yesterday Cousin Megan, Aunt Erica and Grandpa Rick flew into town to play. Granna, Double G and Grandma Kathi have been here all week, so we have had so much fun. Then this morning Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jeff drove down all the way from Seattle so they could join in on the fun too. The cousins have been so cute playing together, only a few pushes and stolen toys, but that is what cousins are for! It has been so fun having everyone in town but we had to say good bye to all the grandparents today!! We will see them again at Christmas, but we have 3 more days with Megan and Aunt Erica!! :) - k


Trace Gibson said...

I love all the pink...and the tongues (theme for the weekend?) So many cute pictures!