Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Best Friends

I know I have blogged about how much these two like each other, but truly they are best buddies. They have such a great time together, 95% of the time. The other 5% they are typical big sister/little brother relationship, but it really is so rare. If one of them is not around the other constantly asks where they are. In the mornings Rylee goes into Nolan's room and snuggles with him until he wakes up, she really doesn't wake him she lays there and rubs his back, it is so sweet. I hope as they grow older they can continue to be so close and such good friends.


Trace Gibson said...

Aw, this is so sweet! Isn't that the best? Kennedy's the same with her little brother Schaffer, but just doesn't feel the same about her new baby brother. Not many siblings are like this--we got lucky! Doesn't that bond they have just MELT your heart? Love.