Friday, November 12, 2010

Scary Mr. Potato Head

A couple weeks ago Daddy went to the World Series in Texas, and when he came home he brought everyone some presents. However, he was most excited about the Dallas Cowboys Mr. Potato Head he found, and it was really cute. He gave it to Nolan, and I took it and put it on a shelf in his room, because we are doing his room in a Texas sports theme. So, Saturday night Nolan woke up at 4am screaming and I went in to calm him down and get him back to sleep, and I didn't think anything of it. Then again during nap time Sunday he woke up earlier then normal just screaming, so Daddy got him up and they napped on the couch. I still wasn't thinking anything was weird, until Sunday when I went to put Nolan to bed. When we walked in his bed he started clinging really tight to my arm and saying, "No, no, no, no errrrrrr!" At first I had no idea what he meant, and then he started pointing and saying it at the Mr. Potato Head. I asked him if he thought it was scary and he said "yes!" So, I took the potato off the shelf and set it on the changing table where he could not see him, but that was not enough. He started pointing and yelling at the Mr. Potato Head and telling me, "Mama, errrrr, bye bye!" I think "errrrr" is like his monster noise, and that is what Mr. Potato Head was to him. I took Mr. Potato head to our room, and he will still check at nap time and bed time to make sure the Mr. Potato head is not back in his room.


tiffany garfield said...

haha that's really funny! poor guy. :)