Thursday, November 05, 2009

So Proud of Himself

While at Church on Sunday Daddy and Nolan starting practicing standing on his own, and now he mastered it. Every time he stands up he lets go and balances unsupported, and then giggles while he is doing it because he is so proud.
I could not hold the camera and get him to stand at the same time, so I set it on the couch. You can't see his feet but you get the idea.


tiffany garfield said...

he is GRINNING from ear to ear! i love it! SO cute! don't you love those moments! :)

Griffin said...

He is so cute. Isn't that funny how they get so excited. Artorius get so excited and giggly that he falls over. They are growing up way too fast!!!

Erica said...

Oh my goodness, that is so cute!!! He looks like the doesn't believe it's really happening. So funny. (And how, pray tell, did you get my red-headed kid?????)

gmakatz said...

He is so doggone cute! Christmas is going to be VERY exciting!

Kari said...

I've watched this three times and shown it to Gary. Nolan makes me smile.