Sunday, November 29, 2009


On Friday, Rylee and Daddy spent the entire day at LegoLand together with our friends the Campbells. There were a lot of fun things to do and see, and I think they tackled most of the park since they were there from open to close. Rylee and Jensen spent about an hour at the first place they went to. The two of them were up on top of the catwalk, about two stories above the ground, and they were shooting balls down to where the other kids were running and gathering them up. The two of them had a blast from the report I got!
There were not a lot of rides that Rylee could go on, but her favorite was driving the car. It was only for 3 - 5 year olds and they got to push the gas pedal and steer the car. When Rylee finished she told Daddy she crashed 4 times, and she was right. Daddy said she did crash 4 times, but there were quite a few times she was straightened out. We are hoping her driving abilities improve over the next 13 years!
Daddy said one of the best parts about LegoLand was they had their lines designed so the parents waited in line while the kids played in a Lego building area. I think Disney could learn from this!
Most everything in the park is made out of Legos (obvisiously not the rides!) but any statue or display was Legos. While walking through the park once Rylee stopped right in front of an Einstein statue (made of Legos), and said "Daddy, take my picture," so he did.
The most amazing part of the entire park is called Mini-Land, and Daddy said it alone was worth his admission. Mini-Land takes up about half of the park and is re-creations of U.S. cities. I only saw the pictures of them, but I am amazed.
When the day was over Rylee was up on Daddy's shoulders walking out of the park and said, "Daddy, that was FUUUUUN," which made the entire day even more special for Daddy.