Monday, May 18, 2009

Saturday and Sunday in Hawaii

Saturday was an early morning for us, we had to be at the airport by 6:30 to catch our flight to Hawaii. We went from here to Phoenix, and then onto Kona, Hawaii. The first flight was only 1 hour 10 minutes, and the kids were both great. We had a 2 1/2 hour layover in Phoenix, which was great to let Rylee run off some energy and tire out a bit. The flight to Kona was 6 1/2 hours and we were a little nervous about Nolan and we knew Rylee would be fine, but both of them were amazing. Nolan slept for 5 hours in Matt's arms while Rylee took a 2 1/2 hour nap, watched Jungle Book, ate some lunch, and played games with us. I was shocked at how great they were, and they even got lots of compliments for other passengers! Many of them were shocked when Matt stood up to get off the plane, they didn't even realize we had Nolan too, they just had seen Rylee going up the aisle to the bathroom! We were proud parents. Papa and Rylee immediately played blocks and monster and then headed to the swimming pool. We spent most the day just relaxing because we were pretty tired.
Sunday was a fun day. We went to Church in the morning and then headed home for some more pool time! Rylee would have lived in the pool if we would have let her! After some swimming and nap time we got ready to go out to dinner at Ruth's Chris for Mother's Day, lucky me!! We were dressed and ready and all Rylee wanted to do was get back in the pool, she kept staring down at it from the balcony above! Nolan went from sleeping with clothes and blankets on him the night we left, to being a naked sleeping baby.

Saying "Pool Please"!! Then just looking at the Pool

She smashed her finger and Papa made it all better

So Sleepy

Dinner was a lot of fun and really good. Rylee ordered there Mac-n-Cheese, which was the best Mac I have ever had! I seriously might ordered it as my side the next time we go. Nolan was a good boy, just sat in his car seat and smiled at everyone while we all ate dinner.

Loving the Mac-n-Cheese

After dinner Rylee got to play in the water fountains in the shopping center, and she had a blast. The fountains became one of her new favorite spots in Hawaii.


The Becks said...

Wow! what a great mother's day! SO good to see some pics of your parents! tell them hi! p.s. we need to hang out soon :)