Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hospital Day 2

Wednesday was a day full of visitors, and we were so grateful for all of them. The morning started with Grandma Kathi, Aunt Karlie, Rylee and the cousins coming for a short visit. The nurses had Nolan in the nursery monitoring him for a bit, so we just took the kids to the window and let them look at him that way (probably safer for Nolan). After our quick visit from the family Nolan, Daddy and Mommy all took great naps! The evening was full of fun and visitors. Dan, Lauren and Baby James came down to meet Nolan, and we had such a fun time holding the boys next to each other, we couldn't believe how big James looked all of the sudden. While they were there Grandma and Rylee came back to play for the evening, always a fun time. Our last visitors of the evening was Rylee's best friend Tay-Tay and family. Kynna, Tay-Tay's sister, is determined that Nolan will be her best friend, not Tay-Tay, so she scooped him right up and was so good with him. We are so grateful for our good friends, the time they took to come visit, and the presents and treats they brought us.


Tarah said...

What a great family pic! A family of 4!!!!!! Yeah Reinbolds! Love you!