Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Zoo

Grandma Kathi got into town today and we have already had so much fun. We met for lunch at TGI Friday's, then we headed to the Zoo! The kids had so much fun together. They shared cookies, drinks, and showed each other where the animals were. The Peacock went right past us and shrieked. At first Jayden and Rylee were a little scared, but then they started making the same noise and thought it was hilarious. Rylee had so much fun she fell asleep in the car on the way home, and was out for the night! We cannot wait to see what else is in store for the rest of the week.


Trace Gibson said...

Isn't the Hogle Zoo cool? That's so funny about little Rye shrieking like a peacock! Enjoy your time with your cool Grandma!

Kari said...

What darling pictures! Enjoy your time with Grandma Katz. I know she is thrilled to be with her girl.