Sunday, April 13, 2008

Grandpa's Funeral

John Edward Campbell
June 7, 1921 - April 6, 2008

Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day. This trip was a spur of the moment trip so that Rylee and I could attend my Grandfather's funeral. He passed away last Sunday evening at the age of 86. The services yesterday were great. We had the chance to see many family members we had not seen in a long time, and even meet some new little cousins. The weather was perfect for the day, 86 degrees, blue skies and not an ounce of wind. Rylee and I are both wearing our clothes we bought, courtesy of Delta Airlines, who have still not found my bag! Rylee made a two new friends yesterday my cousins daughters, Kylie and Ava. We will miss Grandpa greatly, but we are so happy to know that this is just a short seperation.


Trace Gibson said...

I love the picture of Rylee hugging her second cousin! Delta paid for a stinkin' cute dress! Hey, I'm sorry for your loss. Way to keep perspective!

Kari said...

I loved the picture of you with your grandfather on your wedding day. I'm so glad he was there for that. Sorry for your loss, sweetie. Goodbyes are so hard.