Saturday, April 05, 2008

Locked Out!

That is right, I got locked out of my own car by a 21 month old! Yesterday Rylee and I had gone to the gym and we were loading the car afterwards, and she was not cooperating. I was trying to get her strapped in and she was reaching in every direction for her backpack, for her cup, for a car, you name it she wanted it. So, I pinned her down and got her buckled up. After buckling her I reached into my diaper bag to get my cell phones out. I grabbed my phones and shut the door. Not a second later I hear the car horn honk, and think "oh crap!" Yep, that is right I left the keys in her car seat next to her leg and she locked me out of the car. She loves to play with the car keys because the horn honks every time you push the lock button! She was sitting in her car seat laughing and squealing every time she made the horn honk. She would look at me, push the button, and then say "Mama, hahah!" I tried to stay calm and was asking her to please push the other button, and every time I asked she shook her head no! After about 3 minutes I called Matt to let him know of my blonde moment, and he just started laughing because he could hear the horn. I told him I might need him to bring the spare key down, and just as I said that I heard a double click on the door and I snatched the door open as quickly as I could. I knew it would only be an instant before she hit lock again, so I was waiting with my hand on the handle. So, luckily she didn't throw the keys and she did unlock the door because I would have felt really dumb having to call AAA or make Matt leave work to let me into my own car! - k


*kt* said...

At least it wasn't two toddlers in the middle of Texas summer heat where the firefighters came to unlock it! It's always a scary situation, but at least the girl's smart and knows how to unlock too!!!

Kari said...

Before I read Kati's comment I was remembering the day that the firemen came to unlock our van. I'll never forget how frantic our next-door neighbor was when he drove up and saw the fire truck in front of our house. He was our insurance agent and thought something drastic had happened to the house. Those poor kids were so hot and sweaty...not to mention exhausted from the screaming and crying. Ahh....such sweat memories of motherhood. And I'm not blonde!

Trace Gibson said...

Oh my gosh...does every Mom have this happen? Ours was due to my EXTREME lack of oxygen to the brain. I actually handed little baby Kennedy the keys since she loved to play with them, then closed the door. Luckily we were a few blocks from the house and a spare key. So funny...yet only funny AFTER they're free from the locked car. Good job Rye! What a smartie-pants!

R.D.S said...

Sadie did the same thing a few weeks ago only I had left both sets of key in the car and she locked it by using the lock button on the door. We had to have Greg come and open the door for us.