Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas With Caity

Three days after getting home from Texas, Nolan and I flew to North Carolina for 5 days, and then the next weekend we celebrated Christmas with our best friend Caity. She is so great about getting gifts for the kids and even Matt and I, and the kids loved their gifts. She got Nolan a Mickey Mouse scooter and a birthday/Christmas present and she got Rylee a new baby doll! She got Matt a really nice new tie and I got a new scentsy. We always try to spoil her a bit to, and this year we got her the entire set of The Work and The Glory and then a one year membership to Costco, which by her reaction she really liked!

Caity and the Kids

Rylee and Nolan with Yahtzee Jr.

Rylee with her new baby

Nolan checking out Mickey on his scooter

Caity and her Costco Membership

Matt's new tie


Necia said...

Hallie just got that same baby doll and is loving it! Is Rye liking?