Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nolan's First Haircut

Nolan's hair has been a little bit out of control for the last few weeks, so we decided that it was time to get his hair cut. He did such a great job, I was so proud of him. He was a little wiggly, but he never cried or made it too difficult for the stylist. On the back she was able to take off over an inch all the way around, and off the top over an inch and a half. At first I was a little worried about cutting off his curls, but in the end it actually made his hair curlier to trim off the length. The cutest part is the hair that I got to save from the stylist is perfect ringlets, such a cute boy with curls like his Daddy.


Trace Gibson said...

Wow, his FIRST haircut? But I just ADORE those curls...wasn't it a little painful to cut some of them off? What you call "out of control" I call "perfectly out of control!" :)