Sunday, May 25, 2008

Yes, we are still alive

It has been a long week full of soccer everyday. Luckily, Rylee loves being out at the fields and playing with her best friends. State Cup is over and I never took a picture of her out at the fields playing, but she will be on thousands of fields to get those pictures. After a long two weeks of soccer we thought we would unwind with a bit of shopping in Park City. Rylee would not hold still for me to get a picture, so this is the only one where it is not the back of her head. I promise to be a better blogger this next month!


Laura Campbell said...

Yay! I've missed your posts!

Trace Gibson said...

Glad to have you back (though I'm afraid I'm the slackest blogger of them all lately!). I LOOOOVE the new picture of Rye at the top of your blog! So so cutie-petutie with hair piggsies, eyes closed, and her new little teethies proudly displayed!