Sunday, March 09, 2008

Grandma is Amazing

Earlier this year I was out shopping and fell in love with the Easter collection at Gymboree; however, I would not think of paying $60 for Rye's Easter dress. So, I sent a picture of the dress to Grandma Michelle asking, "Can you make this?" Well what do you guys think. Here are the two dresses. The picture of just the dress is straight from the Gymboree website, the other one is Rylee's Easter picture we got taken the other day.
On the picture note, Rye was a little bit of a dud at pictures, but we still got a cute one for Easter. The other one is a cute Spring picture, but we could not get her to stop giving "knuckles" so the photographer just took a picture of her doing "knuckles!"


Erica said...

Good job Grandma! Rye and those crack me up, girl.

*kt* said...

The dress turned out perfect! You wouldn't ever be able to tell! It's like those magazines that show you the same dress that the women in Holywood wear for 1/3 of the price. And the picture with Rylee's knuckles is HILARIOUS! So cute!