Friday, August 27, 2010

Nolan's First Ice Cream Cone

While we were in California Grandma and Papa took the kids to Dairy Queen and I made the mistake of thinking Nolan would prefer and ice cream bar not an ice cream cone, well I was very wrong. Rylee was being so sweet and sharing a few licks with Nolan, but after a few times Nolan decided to not give the ice cream cone back. So, Grandma so nicely went and bought Rylee another cone so they could each have an ice cream cone. Nolan absolutely loved the ice cream cone and surprisingly did not make too big of a mess with it either.


gmakatz said...

Love it! I'll have to share some of my DQ stories with him when I come. I used to get to go after the dentist and/or doc when I was little. Then I worked at one when Rick and I first met and married. :o)