Thursday, May 20, 2010

Preschool Graduation

Rylee's preschool graduation was today, and she was so excited to show everything they have been working on. The class sang about 7 songs for the parents, said their letters, numbers, shapes and colors, and then they all had a speaking part.

Here is Rylee prior to us leaving the house this morning. She wore a cute new dress and asked me to do her "hot iron" on her hair, i.e. her straightener.

She was a super wiggle worm and I could hardly get her to stand still and look at me, but we go this cute picture and the one below before she took off to find her friends.

Looking cute!

Her first official Graduation Hat. This picture is the only picture you will see her wearing it, because she immediately took it off and did not want to put it back on.

Saying her part of the program. She said, "We learned our colors red, yellow and blue."

Here she is during her spotlight. The teacher asked the kids questions and she read their answers. Rylee's favorite color (that day) is green, her favorite food is Mac N Cheese, she likes to learn her letters, her favorite thing to do is ride her bike, and when she grows up she wants to be Tinkerbell.

Picture with Miss Marie


Necia said...

Way to go Rylee! Hallie loved talking to her today! She looks super cute and way grown up!