Friday, May 21, 2010

Lot of Tubes Around Here

Yesterday we had Nolan's follow for his tubes and he is doing terrific. His ear drums are clear and look extremely healthy and his hearing tested normal. However, while we were there doing diagnostic tests on his hearing one of the doctor's that was playing with Rylee asked me how old she was and if she had hearing problems. I explained her newborn hearing situation and how we had not had it tested since about six months, so he wanted to do further examination on her too. The doctor was so nice and just squeezed her into his schedule right then versus us setting a different appointment for her. He put head phones on her and put her in a sound room to do a few tests. He would ask her questions like where is her nose and record at what decibel she could hear at. It was really cute because he tested each ear individually, so when he first started talked she pulled the headphones off to let him know that the right one was not working! After the testing it showed that she had between a 30 - 35 decibel hearing loss in each ear. They then tested the pressure on her ear drums, and said that she has two times the pressure that Nolan had so she too will be getting tubes. The tubes should improve her hearing, we are not sure by how much but it could completely fix the problem and that is what we are hoping for. It will also help correct her speech delay, so we are excited to see all the changes in our sweet girl soon.