Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sleepy Kids

This has been a long week for the kiddos. With Daddy out of town for work since Sunday, the kids have been forced to come to soccer with Mommy every day. That does not sound to bad except that soccer practice goes until 9:00 pm each night and then we are 40 minutes from home. So, these poor kids have been averaging a 9:45 bed time all week, and they do not know how to sleep in.
Today after I dropped Rylee off at preschool Nolan and I went to get the oil changed in the car. While we were there one of the workers gave Nolan a Dum-Dum sucker, which he loved, but on our way home he was so sleepy he fell asleep with it in his hand.
We head to Vegas tomorrow for a soccer tournament, I just hope the kids sleep well for there sake and my sake, they are both so exhausted.