Thursday, August 06, 2009

New Splash Park

A few weeks ago a new splash park opened up near our house, so yesterday we went over to check it out, and it was great. Rylee absolutely loved it. She is a riot when she plays in water, she cannot walk no matter how hard she tries, she is just having too much fun. Every time she gets wet, she runs back over to us and yells, "Mommy/Daddy, I got wet," then she runs right back to the water. The water is absolutely freezing at this park and her little body was really cold, so every now and then she needed to lay out and warm up. We only had one little incident where she bonked her knee, this picture makes it seem more dramatic then it really was. She is really into big girl drinks right now (Capri Suns), so I packed a few for the afternoon. The best part of the whole afternoon was that Daddy came with us on his lunch break. Nolan was along for the ride to, but he was zonked out in his car-seat the whole time.


gmakatz said...

Sure looks like fun. Chilly water, huh? Not at all like swimming and playing in the water here, is it, Rylee? Sure miss you.