Monday, July 20, 2009

3 Year and 6 Month Check-Ups

Rylee had her three year check up at the beginning of the month and I have not gotten around to posting about it. She was 26 pounds (7th percentile) and 33 3/4 inches (1st percentile). They checked her eye sight and she passed, she got to use the big girl scale and she loved that.
Her best friend is our doctor's nurse, Shaylee. Rye ran straight through the door and gave her a big hug while I was checking in. Rylee got to "shadow" her nurse friend the whole visit. She helped check other people in, showed them where the scale was, and even got to pump someone's blood pressure. You would think we are at the doctor's a lot with how much she likes her, but really we have been only for check-ups.
Today was Nolan's six month visit and he is doing awesome. The doctor asked if we had any questions, and I actually didn't. Something about being a second time mom and having a great baby. Nolan has already surpassed Rylee's 1 year weight, and is close to the same length. At 1, Rylee was 19 pounds 2 ounces and 28 inches. Today Nolan was 19 lbs 5.5 ounces (65th percentile) and 27 inches (50th percentile). He is reaching all his developmental milestones, sitting, rolling and starting to crawl! His favorite toy is his voice and Rylee loves to imitate it, so it tends to get loud around here!