Monday, August 25, 2008

What Was I Thinking?

This afternoon on our errands Grandma needed to stop at the scrapbook store for Aunt Erica, no problem except I forgot my stroller! A two year old running free in a scrapbook store is just never a good idea. She was doing really well at first, but then we found the die cuts. She dumped two boxes of leaves out all over the floor and started to throw them everywhere. This led to one melt down after another because we would no longer let her walk or play at the play table, because she would just dart away to throw something else. We should have stayed in the car.


Carolyn said...

She is so cute! Just look at it and laugh because she is just interested in life! That is a wonderful thing!

Tarah said...

Love that look on her face! It's the "what are you talking about? I didn't do anything" face:) P.S. I have so been there when B was that age. It's an impossible feat without a stroller:) XOXO