Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thank You Papa!

The other night Papa called and was sad because he was trying to come visit this weekend, and unfortunately he was not going to be able to make it. Everyone was very bummed, but Papa came up with a great idea - bring Rylee and I to Hawaii with them. At first we did not believe that it would really happen--Rye's Daddy even told Papa that he would eat a shoe if it really happened--well, Daddy, eat up! Papa is flying Rylee and I over to Hawaii on the 21st and then back on the 27th, the day before her birthday so she still flies for free. I am a bit nervous about the flight all by myself with her, but I'm sure it will all be worth it when we land in beautiful Hawaii. Papa we are so grateful and so excited to come play with you and Grandma. Rylee and I are already thinking of the fun we will have! Thanks!

*** Papa wanted to put in a disclaimer - He used Delta miles that he was worried about losing, and my brothers all work full-time and would not be able to come.


Anonymous said...

Um who do you say favorite?

Anonymous said...

Should have said, How do you say favorite? How do you edit a comment ...

Anonymous said...

Lucky! Anonymous asks a good question.

Trace Gibson said...

Shut UP!!! DAAAANG! Nice. So you think he'll fly you guys over there once we are living there? Man, I can't wait. Have fun you lucky duckies!

Kari said...

Kati is "Daddy's little princess" at our house. Who, I wonder, is the princess in your family???? Spoiled!