Thursday, May 17, 2007

A New Train

It was a sad day two weeks ago when we realized the train broke, it only played 1 out of its 8 songs, so I got on the phone. I have been inspired to voice my complaints/concerns by Aunt Erica (she does such a good job she is always getting new/free things), so when our train got sick I called Fisher Price. They said to just send back the engine part and we would receive a whole new train. So, I mailed it back and yesterday our new train arrived!! Now we have duplicates of animals and train parts, but Rylee loves them so it is not a problem. She was so excited when I got the train out of the shipping box she was playing with it in the packaging. After I got the train out she played with it for almost an hour before her nap. She knows how to make it move and sing, but the only problem is it travels so far she gets frustrated because she can't move after it, maybe this will help her learn how to crawl. She also loves to watch the train as it comes towards her, she squeals and starts flapping her arms. We are so glad our train is back. - k