Friday, October 07, 2011

Someone is Amazing

That is right this little girl is incredible, but I am biased. After 16 months of Speech Therapy, Rylee has officially "graduated." She has grown and developed in so many ways in the last year, and her speech has improved 100 fold. She can make all of her sounds now, and most people have no idea she has a hearing loss of any kind because she speaks so incredibly well. This little girl has made us so proud, and we hope she continues to thrive and succeed with her education as she did with speech. Last night we had a few friends over to have cake and show Rye Rye how proud we were of her.


Marcella said...

YAY Rylee! Good for her. I am so glad she is doing well and has gained strength from all of this! Your family looks GREAT! I can't believe Nolan! I wouldn't recognize him if it wasn't for this blog!!!

gmakatz said...

I'm SOOOOO proud of you, Rye! I'm so glad I got to be there and watch you work and learn. You are a treasure.

The Becks said...

Ya! Way to go Ry! That is such an accomplishment! P.s. that cake looks amazing! Yum!