Sunday night was Nolan's first night in his new bed. Prior to leaving for California we took Nolan's crib apart and mailed it to baby Amaya for Christmas, so when we came home we had to put together his new bed so he could sleep in it. He absolutely loves his bed, and before it even had sheets on it he was faking sleep just to lay on his bed. His new room is almost done, so once it is all decorated I will get pictures of it up! This is a picture of Nolan asleep the first night he slept in his bed. He has been so great about staying in bed and sleeping in his bed, and it has so far been a smooth transition.
4 years ago
Sweet, sweet, snuggly boy. So proud of him. Can't believe he's growing up so fast.
Way to go! We just put up James bed... now the question is when will we be brave enough to actually put him in it!?!?! Nolan is so sweet sleeping ... I just wanna snuggle on up with him!
Cute! I just had to say that Trevor has those same sheets! :-)
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