Saturday, October 02, 2010

Field Trip

Last Thursday Grandma and Nolan went with Rylee's preschool class of their first field trip. The two classes (morning and afternoon) went up the canyon to learn about leaves and how they change colors. The teacher started with reading a story to the kids about leaves, and then sent them on their way to gather leaves. Nolan wanted to throw rocks into the river and several other kids joined him once he started. The kids then did a little craft and played some more before heading back home. I am sad I missed such a fun day with the kids, but I would have struggled to keep up with my cast and crutches. Lucky for me though, Grandma took some really cute pictures to show me what they did on the field trip.

Morning and afternoon classes

Nolan playing in the grass

Nolan throwing rocks

Rylee throwing rocks and getting dirty

Collecting her leaves

Rylee playing parachute

Nolan getting ready to play parachute