On Friday Rylee and I took Nolan in for his 4 month check up. We are happy to report he is doing great. He is reaching all milestones and developing right no schedule. He is a chatter box, he loves to chew on anything (even Aunt Karlie's Jeans tonight), he loves to play with toys he can hold, he is a very happy boy, but his favorite thing right now is to jump in a jumper! He weighed 15 pounds 11 ounces (67 percentile), was 25 inches (55 percentile), and his head was 17 inches (77 percentile). He is doing a great job with his tummy time and holding up his head! He gets to start rice cereal, we have tried it a few times since Friday, but I am still working on working it into the routine. We discussed his spit up problem, because we have had quite a few people comment on how they have never seen a baby puke as much as Nolan, but the Doctor said he is just a happy spitter. So, lots of burp rags, bibs and changes of clothes go everywhere that we go because he pukes all day long!
4 years ago
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