Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2 Months Already!

I cannot believe that yesterday Nolan was two months old. The first month did not go as fast because we mostly stayed home and visited with company and we were all adjusting, but this month has just flown by. From him being sick, to everyone in town for his blessing, to our trip to California his second month is all of the sudden over. He is still such a happy baby. He has brought so much joy to us and we are so grateful for him. He is a good little brother too. He lets Rylee love on him all the time, and he doesn't even cry! He is already wearing 3-6 months clothes (like this outfit thanks G&G)! Nolan's two month appointment is on Thursday, so we will see how big he has gotten.


R.D.S said...

He is so cute. Asher has that same outfit in 3-6 months but in red and he too is wearing it already! The time goes by too fast and before we know it they will be going to kindergarten.