Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Suspiciously Quiet
Matt called and I was sitting at the kitchen table talking to him for probably 3 minutes, when I told him I better go look at what Rye was up to - she was way too quiet. I have learned when a two year old is quiet that is never good! I found her covered, head to toe, in Desitin! She was busted! After I got it out of her slippery little hand, we headed upstairs for our second bath of the day.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 1:04 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Survey Says . . .
59% of you were right! We are going to be having a little boy. We had an ultrasound today and there was no doubt according to the doctor, he said he was 200% sure! Rylee had so much fun watching the baby on the monitor, when the ultrasound was over she was asking for "more baby" - good thing we got pictures! He looks healthy and is measuring right on track. So for now, the name search begins...wish us luck.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 2:18 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
A Fun Day for Rylee and Me
Last Tuesday Rylee and I both had perfect days, she got to play with Taylor and I got a 90 minute relaxation massage. Rylee loves all four of the kids, but has an extremely special place in her heart for her "Tay-Tay." The boys are her buddies who she loves to play with, Kynna is her buddy when Taylor isn't around, and then Taylor is off the charts, sort of like "Papa." While the kids were playing at the house, my friend Shannon and I were enjoying our gift cards at the spa! We had a great time escaping for being moms and heading to the spa and dinner. We both have gift card left, so I expect we will be going back pretty soon.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Making Cookies
Rylee and I made homemade Oreo's today and she had so much fun helping me. She was not excited about sticking her hands in the mess, but then she tasted it and I couldn't keep her hands out!
Posted by --m.k.r. at 10:38 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Park
After nap and lunch Rylee kept asking to go to the park, I told her it was too hot, but she did not let up. So we hopped in the stroller and headed over. Last time she was there she learned how to climb this wall, and it was all she would do today. It also helped that this was the only thing in the shade! She would not go down any slides or walk down the stairs, because they were to hot! She would climb the wall and then dance and the top for a bit, and then ask me to come bring her down.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 4:04 PM 1 comments
We went to the park today for about an hour, and for half of that time she relaxed in the swing! She was so funny because she looked like she was asleep for half the time, then I would pull out the camera and she would perk right up!
Posted by --m.k.r. at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Yesterday was a very hot day so we busted out the pool. She was so funny because she saw her friend Addie outside down the street and she started calling for her to come play. After about 20 minutes Addie heard her and came down and played for 2 hours! The two of them had so much fun.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Just GO AWAY Already!
Who else is tired of this story? ESPN's Question of the Night asked if you care if he comes back, and over 70% said no. I have been tired of this for a long time, I almost posted this LAST year, so I finally had to say something. Brett, take a hint, we are all annoyed.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 10:34 PM 0 comments
"Big Girl Bed"
In an attempt to not overwhelm Rylee with change when the new baby comes in December, we are slowly doing changes. First thing was to convert her crib into a toddler bed, and then in a few months we will move her to her bed. She loves that she can climb in the bed all by herself. She does know how to get out, but luckily she has not climbed out at nap time or bed time. So far the transition has gone very well, hopefully all of our upcoming transitions go this well.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 10:11 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
If she isn't asking for Papa, Grandma or Gigi (Megan), she is asking to go "ouh-side". We do not have a ton of outside toys, but we make do with her bubble blower and bike. She is so cute when she chases her bubbles, she squeals "Bubbles" and then runs through them. She is still not big enough to ride her bike, but she still loves to push it from behind in circles. If we are not out front with bubbles and her bike then we are in the back yard playing with her water table. Last night she and Daddy played with the table for over an hour, and I think they both had so much fun together. By the end of the summer we may have to invest in one or two more outside toys, but for now we are doing great!
Posted by --m.k.r. at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Papa, Where are you?
This video is from our trip to Hawaii, but it takes place every day in my life. No matter where we are, the car, the family room, or singing to sleep, Rylee is asking for Papa at the top of her lungs. It is really sweet, but can make a person feel like chopped liver at the same time.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 8:18 PM 0 comments
She is getting ready
The other day we went over to our friends house and they have a four month old baby and Rylee was obsessed. All she wanted to do was hold the baby and give her loves. Baby Lucy was so sweet to let Rylee hold her, she didn't even cry! I think Rylee is going to be a great big sister, we will keep practicing.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 04, 2008
Eye Drops
Rylee has had goopy eyes for the last two and a half weeks, so I finally decided it was time to go to the doctor. He said her eyes had an infection in them caused by her allergies, so he gave her some eye drops. Last night I was a fight to get them in, and then this morning I mentioned eye drops and she started covering her eyes. I had to ask for Grandma's assistant to hold those hands down!
Posted by --m.k.r. at 10:57 PM 0 comments
First Popsicle
This was her first popsicle that Aunt Erica made for the cousins. She was not a huge fan of the coldness factor, but she loved being naked and running outside.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 9:06 PM 0 comments
More Cousins
What a wonderful surprise, Mark, Laura and the kids decided to drive out for the holiday weekend. Grandma and Grandpa got in town today as well, so we have an eventful fourth of July. To entertain the kids until Grandma and Grandpa got to the house to play we went over to the park. The kids had so much fun. We did have one accident, Trevor let go of the swing and fell off on his face. We think he has his first concussion! Hopefully, he will start feeling better tomorrow.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Since it has been over a hundred the last few days we decided it was smarter to go to the indoor aquarium then the zoo. The best part about the aquarium is that is perfect for the girls to run around and not be strapped in strollers. The two girls had so much. They could not go anywhere without each other. Rylee was looking at some fish once and Megan was not there and she was very worried, she had to leave and go find her.
Posted by --m.k.r. at 8:34 PM 0 comments