Wednesday, March 28, 2007

9 Month Check-Up

I cannot believe she is nine months already. I remember when I scheduled her nine month check up it amazed me, and now it has already come and gone and we have scheduled her 1 year check up. The appointment went really well. She is very healthy and extremely happy the doctor said. She is reaching all of her developmental milestones and she is ahead of schedule on her fine motor skills and her vocalization, we are going to have a chatter box. I know many of you might think she topped the scales with all those rolls, but she was only 17 pounds 15 ounces (34th percentile). The doctor also told me she wouldn't crawl until she had another growth spurt length-wise because right now she is 25.8 inches (ONLY the 3rd percentile) and her body is too heavy for her to support. She got her iron levels checked and they are a little low, so she has to have meat twice a day now. I asked him about moving her to the new car-seat and he said her weight and length are still within the limits of the infant carrier, but since her torso is so long she needs to move into the big girl one. She only had to have one shot today, polio, but that one shot was VERY traumatic, I don't think she took a breath for 10 seconds. The only "bad" news was that he doesn't think she will be 20 pounds by the time she is 1, and he said we can't turn her front-facing in her car seat until she is 20 pounds, we will have to see about that! All in all, we have a very happy, healthy, and extremely silly baby. She is napping right now, so pictures to come later! - k