Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dinosaur Museum

The morning we made a quick trip to the Dinosaur Museum! Wyatt was dying to go to since they got in town on Monday, so we made a stop there today before they headed out of town. The kids were on a terror through that place, we could hardly even keep up with them!
I suck because these are the only pictures I took while they were here, but luckily Heather took lots, so I will get more from her.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nolan's 2nd Set of Tubes

This morning Nolan and I woke up early and headed to the hospital. He has been having the worst problems and pain with his ears, so the doctor decided it was time for a second set if tubes and to take out his adenoids. Nolan was so sweet and good this morning for surgery. He went back to surgery with no fight and was great for the doctors. While in surgery they found he has a severe sinus infection, and I has no idea because he has had no signs of one, poor kid! His new tubes should help the poor kid be more comfortable and even happier! After surgery he was just a sleepy head and was such a good boy!

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Daddy Weekend

The last two weekends the kids have had their Daddy all to themselves, and I have been out of town for soccer. Last weekend Daddy had a great idea to ride TRAX and take the kids to the big library downtown. They had a blast watching everything go by on the train, and watching all the people come and go. Then on their way home they listened to music on their iPods and read their books from the library. After dinner that evening at their new favorite, Sweet Tomatoes, Daddy send me a picture of his successful day!

Riding the Train on the Way to the Library

Our Little Commuter

A Successful Day