On Tuesday, December 14, Rylee had her 4th and last procedure of the year. This surgery was to fix her soft palate disorder, VPI. In her mouth she had a 30% gap that she could no close by herself due to a week muscle in her soft palate, and as a result her speech was very nasally. She was a little bit more nervous for this surgery then the last few, but we thought she would do great as she always has. Her last surgery she went back with the anesthesiologist just fine, but this time she did not enjoy it. She was so upset this time that I actually dressed in doctor clothes too and went into the OR until she was under. Rylee typically struggles when she comes out of surgery and is really grouchy, but the doctor's played with the medicines a bit and she did do much better coming out of the anesthetic then normally. This surgery required an overnight stay, so after surgery Grandma, Daddy and Nolan came to visit us during lunch time. Rylee and I watched movies and played games on the iTouch, and I kept hoping she would nap but she never did. After work Daddy came back up to visit and the two of them had some ice cream together and watched some TV. In the morning all she wanted was to go home, but she was struggling to drink because he mouth was sore. So, once we got her to drink we were able to go home and later in the afternoon she actually went to her preschool Christmas Party.
I'm sorry she had such a hard time going back to the OR. If she ever has to go back again, ask them for Versed. It relaxes them and makes them really goofy. They go from screaming and grouchy to laughing and giggly pretty quickly and makes the whole process a lot easier. It seems like after they have gone back a few times, they learn that it really isn't that fun. I refuse to send Hallie back without the Versed-- it makes my life and hers much easier. Glad things went well and we are anxious to hear how she does the next little while.
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