The last few weeks we have had a lot of soccer practices and games, and these kids are the best troopers ever to tag along with Mom to everything. Yesterday we had a game all the way in Logan, a little over 2 hours away, and the kids were so good both ways in the car. Rylee luckily napped 90% of the way there, and Nolan was just completely bored. I could have sworn Nolan was asleep because he was so quiet, so I peeked at him and he just looked so bored I had to take a picture of him. Once we got to the game they played and played until we had to leave and drive all the way home again, but we made it and the kids were really good.
Once Rylee woke up she said a few funny things:
Immediately after waking up in the canyon going to Logan -
Rye "Mommy, are we going to Park City?"
Mom - "No Sweetie, we are going to Logan."
Rye - "That does not sound as fun as Park City" (oh I love my kid)
While driving past the Temple in Logan
Rye "Mommy, I want to go in there on day and get married, just like Princess and the Frog!"
Rylee asleep
Nolan extremely bored
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