This morning Rylee's preschool went on a field trip to the fire station. I thought Nolan would really like it too, so he and I tagged along. When we first got to the fire station all the kids got plastic fireman helmet, and of course they were all super excited about their helmets. The kids watched a Sesame Street episode about fire safety and then they learned how to "stop, drop and roll!" After the video the kids got a tour of the fire truck and the ambulance. The fireman even pulled out the Jaws of Life and showed the kids. Many kids thought it was mean that they would cut someone's car in half, Rylee, however, thought "dat is funny." The fireman put on his entire uniform, including mask, and it freaked Rylee out, but Nolan thought it was really intriguing and walked right up to the fireman. The kids all seemed to have a good time and Rylee pointed out about 4 more firestations today while we were driving around.
FUn! Can't wait to go on field trips! She looks so cute in her firemans hat!
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