Friday, January 15, 2010

Visit From Our Friends Down South

It is hard to have your best friends live in another country, but it is always great when they get to come visit us. Dan and Lauren were in town very quickly and very unexpectedly, but we are grateful they made time to stop by and see us. Nolan and James are only two months apart and it was fun to see them building things and banging these together with each other. Rylee had a great time coloring with Lauren, building blocks with James, and playing tools with Uncle Dan. We miss them already, but found out we get to see them again in April for Dan's brother's wedding!!

Nolan and James playing tools

Uncle Dan, Rylee and Nolan building something

Rylee and James building a tower

** Side note: The cute new block box is part of Rylee's new Sleeping Beauty Blocks Set that Caity got her for Christmas, a perfect gift for our girl.