Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So, It Has Begun...

In my opinion it is a little early for the cold, flu and infection season to be here, but somehow it is. This afternoon was a bit dramatic around these parts, but luckily we all made it and still love each other. After preschool Rylee came home and started complaining about her ear hurting, so I gave her a little Motrin and put her down for a nap. Nearly 3 hours later she was still screaming and complaining, so off to see Dr. Mumford. It is hard to know if she is serious or if she is just overly tired, but it is a good thing we went in. She has a pretty serious ear infection in the right ear and the start of an ear infection in the left ear. Dr. Mumford gave her some antibiotics and she has been perfectly fine since we went to see him.


Griffin said...

My boys just got over their first cold of the season. Not fun... I can't believe that cold and flu season is here already. I feel like I just got through it and my kids were finally healthy for awhile. I hope those antibiotics kick in real fast and she feels better soon.